Important Announcement: AffJumbo Affiliate Network Transitioning Operations

Dear Valued Affiliates and Partners,

AffJumbo will be discontinuing normal operations and closing the AffJumbo Affiliate Network on Monday, March 31st, 2025.

Please pause all AffJumbo traffic by midnight on March 31st, 2025. Traffic sent after this time will not be eligible for payment. All Net30 payouts will proceed as scheduled for balances that meet the threshold by March 31st.

The AffJumbo team is excited about future opportunities in the online marketing space and will share updates soon.

We've compiled answers to some common questions below:

Q: When do I need to pause my AffJumbo links?

A: Please do so by midnight on March 31st, 2025. Any traffic sent after midnight on March 31st will not be paid for.

Q: Will I still get paid out my current balance?

A: As long as you've met the required $50 threshold by Monday, March 31st, 2025, you will receive payment on the regular net30 schedule.

Q: What’s next in store for the AffJumbo team?

A: As we explore new internet marketing opportunities, we'll maintain open communication to share progress and insights with you.

Q: Who should I contact if I have further questions?

A: Please direct all questions to [email protected] and we’ll be there to assist you!

Thank you for your incredible support over the past few years.


The AffJumbo Team


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Volcom Affiliate Program

Volcom is a skate, surf, and snowboarding lifestyle brand that creates long-lasting, fashionable clothes and accessories for all occasions. Volcom Affiliate Program Benefits and Features: Commission: 2% Category: Appa...

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Clean Email Affiliate Program

Clean Email's time-saving tools allow you to swiftly sort and delete thousands of old emails, unsubscribe from newsletters, and automate your everyday email duties, so your inbox stays spotless.  Clean Email Affiliate Program Benef...

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Blogladi Affiliate Program

Blogladi is a leading online fashion company that specializes in women's clothing but also sells men's clothing, accessories, shoes, purses, and other fashion items. It caters to customers in Europe, America, Australia, the Middle East, an...

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MatchaBar Affiliate Program

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Hydralyte Affiliate Program

Hydralyte is the world's leading provider of clinical hydration. We produce fast and effective solutions that are optimized to hydrate and built for convenience, and we are well-known for our scientifically-backed formula beverages.  ...

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Apotheke Affiliate Program

Apotheke is a high-end home fragrance company that believes aroma transforms a space into a home, improves our mood, and helps us remember. We believe that fragrance may be simple yet enticing, and that products should be attractive and af...

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Mash&Grape Affiliate Program

Mash&Grape is a marketplace in the United States that connects alcoholic beverage brands with passionate consumers. By leveraging our digital selling tools and consumer insights, we engage with innovative businesses to help propel thei...

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Wisdom Panel Affiliate Program

Wisdom Panel, the world's most comprehensive DNA service for dogs and cats, can help you learn more about your pet's breeds, traits, and health so you can provide them with the best possible life. It only takes a swab to get vital informat...

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Perfect Moment Affiliate Program

The Perfect Moment brand was founded in Chamonix, France, and represents a love of design, elegance, and adventure. For life's snow and sun adventurers, the Perfect Moment product line combines high-performance with flair.  Perf...

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Audien Hearing Affiliate Program

Audien Hearing strives to give everyone access to effective, clear, and crisp hearing aids. Patients can expect to pay thousands of dollars merely to hear their loved ones laugh or to watch their favorite TV show at a normal audiology offi...

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